DIY Hajj Lapbook
I made my son's very first Hajj lapbook and I love how it turned out! Alhamdulillah.
So what is a lapbook? A lapbook is a visual presentation of a topic presented in a folder. I love the idea because information is presented in a way that's easily accessible, it's looks beautiful and is engaging! You can also attach extra folders to expand on the topic!
I created a Ka'bah looking cover so there will be a bit of flipping and rotating involved to get the look. If you don't want this look, just glue the folders anyway you like.
What You Need:
- Printed Files
- Manilla Folders (x2)
- Scissors
- Glue
I used labels to make instructions easy to follow.
Folder 1-
1. Lay folder flat with cover facing up. 2. Open Folder.
3. Rotate folder. 4. Fold 'Pg 1' towards the centre.
Folder 2-
5. Fold both sides of a new folder towards the centre.
6. Glue the folded flap of 'Folder 1' to the left sided flap of 'Folder 2'.
7. Your lapbook should now look like this. It's time to decorate!
8. Cut out your lapbook printouts and follow instructions on the sheets to assemble them.
9. Arrange your pieces before gluing. I added some black paper under some pieces.
Overall, I'm so happy how this turned out, Alhamdullilah.
Did you make this Hajj Lapbook too? I’d love to see how it turned out. Please tag us if you choose to share your work in your social media posts. You’ll find us on Instagram (@brb_raisingkids) and Facebook (@brbraisingkids).